Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Lesson Learned, Johnny

Do you have a word limit that you have to hit every day? or may I finish? --line just heard on a movie on television.

Someone wrote last night saying my entire life seemed to have turned upside down in the last fortnight. From blissed-out holiness to anger and freak-out. Well, I can understand the perception, but nothing has really changed. It couldn't all be roses on the path to a better life. I think the mistake I have made, just lately, is that I have tried to imagine a whole person for me to be who didn't have an angry, resentful, nasty, negative side to his personality. Then that part of the essential man smashed through the door like Jack Nicholson in "The Shining"--"Hhheeeerrrreeeeee'sssss JJJOOOOHHHHHNNNNNNYYYYYY!!!!"--to remind me that he had a part in my future too. Lesson learned, Johnny. The complete man encompasses love and hate.

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