Saturday, October 28, 2006

Where I've Been

It's been an unusually long time since I posted anything here--well, by my standards anyway: most bloggers are away from the keyboard for a few days between posts.

I've actually been doing some interesting things. Had a trip to London on Thursday and that produced an essay I'm still working on called AMONG THE SAVAGES OF HACKNEY.

I've also been working on, and finally producing, a new Beat-related page to take the place of THE BEAT. I was having so many problems posting over there: sometimes I would write a long post and lose it the moment I pressed "publish." Which is a waste of my time and creatively maddening. So THE BEAT has come to Blogger under the new name WHOLLY COMMUNION and features, today, the continuation of my campaign to get Nicosia's MEMORY BABE back into print. Find the site at

In the last few days I've also been having conversations with my friends at the Underground Literary Alliance (see link on the right of the page). I'll tell you more about those soon.

And lastly, to bring you up to date, I've been unfaithful to Blogger and playing around with my MySpace page. What can I tell you? You get addicted. That site is at So that's where I've been. But now I'm back. Do I hear a hooray?

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