Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Life

A pregnant friend of mine found out today that she is having a girl.

It's funny. Doesn't matter how cynical you get about life and other people; the arrival of a new baby always seems to give you an inexplicable feeling of optimism and general well-being. Well, it does me, anyway. The one time it looked as if the ex I have written about here from time to time might be pregnant, I was thrilled. She, unfortunately, was not (and she wasn't pregnant anyway).

Now we know what gender the baby is my friend has asked me to do some of my fabulous and world reknowned (should that have a "k"?)cartoons on the nursery wall. Maybe this time I'll restrain myself from my trademark depiction of Sombrero Sam, hippie cowboy, with long hair hanging out from under a large Mexican hat and a marijuana cigarette burning phallically on his lips.

Or maybe not.

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