Sunday, May 21, 2006

Jack Saturday Revisited

I don't normally shout too loudly about my publication successes--I prefer to moan like a howling wind banging the shutters of an old window about my rejections--but since it's in an extremely worthy cause, I wanted to mention that a little snippet of thoroughly reasonable opinionation by yours truly has appeared on Jack Saturday's "anti-job/ pro-freedom" site today. Click the link in the reading room to find it.
One or two people I've told about Jack have said, "It's a fine theory, but how's it going to work in practice?"--that is, emancipation from wage slavery. Classic symptom of resistance to an idea: raising an objection to try, subconsciously or otherwise, to cripple the idea so that you don't have to deal with it. We can't go to your mother's this weekend; there's a terrorist bomb threat in Brighton and Hove--(meaning, God, I hate your mother and I'm getting to hate you.) Emancipation from wage slavery is a mind f***. But as William Blake said when I checked it out with him--always go to Blake, people--"Everything possible to be believed is an image of the truth."

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