Saturday, February 02, 2008

Oops She Did It Again

Ah, poor Britney. You have to feel for her. Going publically haywire, being sectioned, and then having control of her affairs delivered into the hands of a father she supposedly can't stand. According to the radio, she expressed the wish that somebody else take care of business while she was dribbling and screaming in the booby hatch but the court ignored her because, presumably, she wasn't deemed fit to make a sound decision.

I don't know what's going on with her, obviously. I don't know her. I don't even know the name of her latest album. But I wonder how crazy she actually is right now, and how much the state's assessment of her mental condition has been directed by stories in the press, and bigoted mainstream judgement of how eccentric behaviour might impact on the raising of a child.

It all started, didn't it, with the scandal of Britney driving her car with one of her kids on her lap in the front seat. How very dare she, as a friend of mine would say. The sheer depravity of it! Leave aside the fact that the profiteering scum who follow her everywhere taking photographs of everything she does are probably (if I know anything about the Gentlemen of the Press) drunks or cokeheads who would sell their own mother for a Grazia cover. When I was a kid, in less uptight times, parents used to let their children run around naked in public parks.

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