Sunday, November 16, 2008

Winter Prayer

It's a Sunday in the world and everything is strange, eerily so, but interesting. Coming out this morning there were black crows and falling leaves everywhere. Well, yes, you might say, it's autumn. Winter, even, to all intents and purposes. But lately I've had a feeling that everything was ending, and--dare I hope?--beginning. That I went to Earls B to bury my old life, which has been so full of false turns, ghastly mistakes, friendships lost and loves destroyed. Arrogance. Snobbery. Stupidity. "In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make," as the Beatles said. And all I've ever done is breathe out anger. Disguised as love, disguised as compassion, disguised as empathy sometimes, but anger. Have I ever seen other people as anything other than projections of my own ego? Images on my own giant movie screen? How vastly idiotic, to look at the universe as your own creation! It's a Sunday in the world, cold, wet, and no wonder I'm alone with no love, a headache and nothing to do except go to work again and make everybody suffer because they're at home enjoying themselves. More anger! What a gutless bastard. What a self-obsessed idiot I am. Forgive me. And may the bodhisattvas allow me enough time to rebuild my body and my mind so I can put some love into this world before I leave it.


All This Trouble... said...

He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye...Buddha

Sharon Auberle said...

i've seen you put love into this world, through your writing, many times..far better a person who thinks deeply and cares enough to put his thoughts out there, with the hope of making just one tiny change in this screwed-up world of ours, than all the self-styled do-gooders in the world. You are an old, old soul, my friend...
thanks for being you.
and don't you DARE think of leaving!

Bruce Hodder said...

I'm too much of a perfectionist to quit before I've got it a little closer to right, Mimi...X

Bruce Hodder said...

Kim, great quote from the Buddha man.X

All This Trouble... said...

Tag! You're it! Not to be confused with Da Bomb. That's different.

Check it out.

I know it's a little silly. But you need a little silly. Now on to read your recent blog. I hope it doesn't say you hate book tag. Then I'd feel bad.