Saturday, October 06, 2007

wellingborough flash

my buddy jimbo
doing his tough walk
on the way
to percy browns,
a hundred years
ago before life
destroyed him.
fifteen, cool as fuck


Anonymous said...

Wow, Percy Browns!!!!

I thought I was the only person in the world to remember that the almost forgotten shop on Broad Green was once know as Percy Browns!!!

As a young lad I used to buy packets of Polos for 3 pence there.

I remember one winter's evening at the age of about 14, standing in the dark at the bus stop on Broad Green opposite the warm and inviting looking Percy Brown shop, freezing to death in a pathetically thin school blazer (we were too poor to have a coat), long after dark in sub zero temperatures, waiting to catch a bus home just because some jerk did something stupid in class, which led to me missing the free school bus home.

It's all changed now. No doubt Percy Brown is dribbling and incontinent in some nursing home somewhere, dreaming of the time when he made a living out of school boys buying Polos.
How times change. It's all for the better, you know.

Simon H

Bruce Hodder said...

Ha! Wonderful. I could be looking after Percy Brown, for all I know, 'cause I'm half sure our guy must have been the SON of the original Perce, aren't you? Was anybody from the next generation up called Percy? Would they admit it given what Percy had come to mean by the Sixties?

I remember EVERYTHING you know, in every tiny detail. Sometimes I think it's what makes me a miserable bastard. Although to be fair it's also what makes me a half-decent poet, since you can't write if you don't notice.

Yeah, it's all for the better. You ironist.

More memories of our youth please. I just flashed on buying one of the first ever diet drinks from Percy Browns. I think it was called ONE CAL. They hadn't perfect how to make them taste like anything other than sparkling sea water then.

Are we old? I kind of like it.