Wednesday, June 06, 2007

What Happened To The Counter-Culture?

They're too busy getting stoned, and fucking, to develop a serious critique of contemporary life, like past generations of outsiders have done. Since the cowardly conservatism of punk rock, thinking has been unhip.

How your leaders must be loving that. The only time the bastards who run and ruin your lives have to worry is when people start talking politics on street corners, and in pubs.

Snort, brother. Find a fat vein. Get fucked on nice little tablets while Iraq burns and China murders Tibetans and Egypt jails her bloggers and the unions are dismantled and the minimum wage stays at a level that wouldn't support anybody and the education system turns out another generation of inarticulate, knuckle-dragging zombies in white baseball caps. It's all good, man, and what can a poor boy do anyway, right?

"Stick a fork in their ass and turn 'em over, they're done," as Lou Reed's painter friend Donald would say.


Ralph Murre said...

Finally, someone who's just plain pissed off and says so. Be careful, people are trying to sleep - you might wake someone.

- R.

tom said...

wake 'em, i say!

Anonymous said...

Another great rant, Bruce.

Anonymous said...

zombies in white "baseball" caps.
Bruce, do they call them "baseball" caps in England too?

Bruce Hodder said...

Leo,my man!

Yeah, they call 'em baseball caps, even though nobody here plays baseball. Strange.

How're you doing, feller?

Bruce Hodder said...


Yeah, I'm pissed off. I don't know where this Jehovaic wrathful stuff helps prevent the general drift towards spiritless ignorance and homogeneity in English society, but at the very least I'm determined to try. As arrogant and presumptuous as I sound (and probably am!)

Bruce Hodder said...


Let's wake the world up. Show 'em that there's another way.

Hayduke Lives.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree, Bruce. Counterculture has mutated into a self-obsessed aesthetic emptiness. Indie kids are not worried about politics, they go to Top Shop every Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Completely agree with the 'rant'. Counterculture has vanished. There is no substance to it anymore, because it is now marketed drivel. Advertised to kids to consume, who are too young and stupid to know any better. Too gullible. 'Proper' counterculture was always natural and free. Just like great music. Expressive and artistic. What you are now seeing is the result of investors tapping into the 'market' and altering it to their suiting. And as a result, real counterculture has been eradicated, since there is no longer an outlet for it, with all the new generation left adopt this advertised 'blandness' around them as if it's 'cool', and go about thinking they're 'hip'. Though all they are are just naive silly consumers. And by the time they realise it, it's too late.